Faculty Profiles

Name, Position and Education Contact Information
Marjon Ames
Teaching Assistant Professor
Ph.D. University of Mississippi
(828) 262-6012
Anne Belk Hall 234M
Kristen Baldwin Deathridge
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Middle Tennessee State University
(828) 262-6004
Anne Belk Hall 234N
Edward Behrend-Martinez
Ph.D. University of Illinois-Chicago
(828) 262-6023
Anne Belk Hall 249J
Michael C. Behrent
Ph.D. New York University
(828) 262-6014
Anne Belk Hall 249V
Jeffrey Bortz
(828) 262-6030
Anne Belk Hall 234D
Judkin Browning
Ph.D. University of Georgia
(828) 262-6022
Anne Belk Hall 234E
Andrea Burns
Associate Professor
Ph.D. University of Minnesota
(828) 262-6010
Anne Belk Hall 249Y-1
Craig Caldwell
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Princeton University
(828) 262-7454
Anne Belk Hall 249N
Karl E. Campbell
Ph.D. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(828) 262-6009
Anne Belk Hall 234A
Anthony Carey
Ph.D. Emory University
(828) 262-6001
Anne Belk Hall 234J
Kenneth Chauvin
Senior Lecturer
(828) 262-2397
Anne Belk Hall 214E
Allison Fredette
Associate Professor
History Education Program Faculty
Ph.D. University of Florida
(828) 262-6021
Anne Belk Hall 234F
Lynne M. Getz
Ph.D. University of Washington, Seattle
James Goff
Ph.D. University of Arkansas
(828) 262-4020
Anne Belk Hall 249R
Stephen Hausmann
Adjunct Instructor
Ph.D. Temple University
Xi He
Ph.D. University of Chicago
(828) 262-6005
Anne Belk Hall 249P
René Harder Horst
Ph.D. Indiana University
(828) 262-6007
Anne Belk Hall 249E
Amy Hudnall
Senior Lecturer
Assistant Director of Outreach and Public Relations for the Center for Judaic, Holocaust and Peace Studies
M.A. Appalachian State University
(828) 262-6025
Anne Belk Hall 214F
J. Patrick Kellam
M.A. Appalachian State University
(828) 262-6016
Anne Belk 234C
Jeremiah Kitunda
Assistant Professor
History Club Advisor
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
(828) 262-6087
Anne Belk Hall 249Q