Jewel Parker

Jewel Parker specializes in the history of race, gender, and medicine, focusing on the U.S. South and the Atlantic World. Jewel's dissertation, The Intercultural Origins of Health Care in the Antebellum South, analyzes how intercultural interactions between American Indians, Africans, and Europeans changed medical practice and contributed to the development of the U.S. pharmacopeia in the South from the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries. 


PhD in History, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

MA in History, Appalachian State University 


Parker, Jewel. “Lincecum’s Law: White Supremacy, Castration, and Gideon Lincecum’s Crusade in Texas During the Long Civil War Era.” American Nineteenth Century History (available online, ahead of print in November 2024).

Parker, Jewel. “Spotlight: Jewel Parker, Winner of the 2021 Outer Banks History Center Summer Research Stipend.” History for All the People, A State Archives of North Carolina Blog. January 25, 2022. 

Biographical Sketches of Olive Dorothy Richard (Mrs. George) RowlandMary Lucinda (Mrs. W.L.) YoungMabelle McAdooGeorgia Rose Simpson, and Nattie Langston Napier. In Online Biographical Dictionary of the Women’s Suffrage Movement in the United States, edited by Kathryn Kish Skylar and Thomas Dublin. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2019, 2020. 

Parker, Jewel Carrie. “Loretta Lynn’s Lyrics: Songwriting for Women and the Working Class.” Graduate History Review 7, no. 1 (September 2018): 99-122. 

Public History:

Curatorial Team Member, Sacrifice & Service: Grimsley’s Legacy of Honor. Exhibit located in the Sigmund Selig Pearl Field House at Grimsley High School, Greensboro, North Carolina honoring 99 fallen students and alumni who served in the United States military during World War II. Fall 2021. 

Curatorial Team Member, Roots of Resistance: The Tuchyn Story. Traveling Exhibit for the North Carolina Holocaust Council. Spring 2021.

Professional Website:

My professional website is available at this link.

Title: Lecturer
Department: History

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-6006

Office address
Anne Belk 234G
Hickory Campus 4244