"I grew up in a family that was always talking about its own history and the history of our region. I wanted to place what I learned at home in a broader context and understand how it fit with American history as a whole. I teach history because it is more than a collection of names and dates, it is a disciplined approach to critical thinking."
Dr. Layne McDanield earned her B.A. from Wofford College and her M. A. and Ph.D. from Emory University with a focus on Southern history and US nineteenth century educational reforms. Dr. McDaniel is also accomplished art quilter/designer, editorial consultant, and, Scrabble fiend.
Ph.D. Emory University
Areas of Study
History of American Education, Intellectual and Social History
Selected Courses
HIS 2201 Survey of American Civilization to 1876
HIS 2004 Survey of American Civilization since 1876

Title: Senior Lecturer
Department: Department of History
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6020