Xi HE earned a Ph.D. and an M. A. from the University of Chicago in the department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations. Her research interests include early Buddhist history and women, gender, and emotions in South Asian traditions. Her course interests include Asian history, culture, literature, and religion.
Areas of study: South Asia studies
Selected courses: Cultural History, Social History, World Empires, and History of Modern India
Selected publications:
2021 “Transforming through Words: Sudhana’s Experience in the Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra.” In The Language of the Sūtras: Essays in Honor of Luis O. Gómez edited by Natalie Gummer. Mangalam Research Center.
2011 “The Prose Varṇakain the Lalitavistara.” In Yigal Bronner, Whitney Cox, and Lawrence McCrea, eds., South Asian Texts in History: Critical Engagements with Sheldon Pollock,83–102. Ann Arbor, MI: Association for Asian Studies.

Title: Lecturer
Department: Department of History
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6005