A native of Clayton, NC, Alex Dudash ('21) served as an ACES Scholar with the Reich College of Education during his time at App State. He credits his mom and several high school teachers from Corinth Holders HS for encouraging him to become a teacher. He completed his student teaching at Ashe County High School in Spring 2021, working with another ASU alum, Rebekah Washburn. Outside of the App State campus, Alex works at FUGE summer camps, an experience that has taught him how to work with high school students.
Alex loved exploring Boone and the areas around it during his time at App State, exercising, and socializing with friends. He sees Boone and App State as a place to thrive. He now teaches 9-12 social studies at Cleveland HS back in Johnston County (NC), where he hopes to continue his loves of travel. Alex has enjoyed trips to South America, Europe, and Africa. In terms of history, WW2 is perhaps his favorite subject.
Why App State?
Alex Dudash: I chose Appalachian State because of its reputation for producing not just quality students as a whole, but specifically education-majored students. Not to mention it is a beautiful place to live!
Why does history, and social studies, matter?
AD: History/Social Studies is such an under-appreciated subject, but one of the most important. Without history, we are doomed to repeat our past mistakes over and over again. It helps us adjust to the society we live in, and can even influence us to change it for the betterment of everyone living within it.
What would you tell a high school student thinking about attending App State and/or majoring in History (Education)?
AD: Do it! Appalachian State is an amazing and beautiful university found in North Carolina. Even if you are not sure what you want to do with your life, college really offers you an opportunity to grow in yourself and in your abilities as a young adult.