When Cameron Wheeler (BS '15, MA '17) - a graduate of Glenn High School (Kernersville, NC) - returned to Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools to complete his clinical internship at West Forsyth High School, he probably did not expect to see a familiar face. ASU assigned him to work with Todd Plummer during student teaching. Plummer taught at Glenn for many years before making the switch to West Forsyth. He even taught Cameron's brother. The relationship worked well for both by providing some sense of familiarity during the rigors of student teaching.
Cameron completed his BS History/Social Studies requirements in spring 2018. Previously, he obtained an MA in History, and a BS History Multidiscipliary from App State. He teaches history/social studies at Belleville High School in Belleville, Michigan.
Why did you decide to become a History/Social Studies Educator?
Cameron Wheeler: I decided to become a History/Social Studies Educator because I wanted to be able to help the next generation learn about and make sense of the world around them. My hope is that by guiding young learners to better understand the past I can help them to see the patterns that led to the present so that they can be better equipped to create a brighter future.
What excites you the most about working with students?
CW: For me, the most exciting aspect about working with young learners is being a part of the process that encourages them to not only be better students, but to be better humans as well. The teachers that I have had throughout my life have greatly shaped who I am as a person and I hope that I can have that same positive effect on future generations.
What advice would you provide students interested in majoring in History and History/Social Studies Education?
CW: Although this advice pertains to most aspects of life I think it is especially relevant for history majors and future educators: “You get out what you put in.” Don’t just do the bare minimum, don’t wait until the last day to read that book or write that paper, and don’t be afraid to speak up in class. Dare to dream big and don’t be afraid to fail. We learn more through failure than we do through success.
Why should high school students consider Appalachian State University?
CW: Appalachian State University is a great school set in the quaint town of Boone in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains. The spirit of Boone and the Appalachian campus is unlike many other schools in the state/region. On Sanford Mall students can be found throwing the frisbee/football, slack-lining, juggling, hula-hooping, reading, hammocking, dancing, and much, much more. The town of Boone offers a variety of attractions from great foods, local crafts, and numerous hiking trails to be explored. These next four (or more!) years at college will be instrumental in shaping who you are as a person. So, make sure you choose a school/town that speaks to who you are as a person. Thankfully, Appalachian State University has a little bit of everything for everyone.