A native of Greensboro, and an avid baseball player, Nick Goard teaches social studies at Asheboro High School (NC). He arrived in Boone already impressed by the region and with a sense of feeling right at home. "Other state universities felt a bit off. App State was just a bit smaller, more inclusive, and familial," says Nick. The History Department, in particular, offered a tight-knit community that is a reflection of the overall campus cohesiveness.
As far as his decision to major in BS History/Social Studies Education, Nick enjoys what history courses offer: "They encourage students to see conflicting perspectives and thoughts. We can see how events develop and shape our present and future." As a future educator, Nick wants to emulate history teachers who have modeled a content-oriented yet applicable approach, where helping students succeed and teaching about the past becomes a natural part of the job. He credits App State with providing multiple internship opportunities and the HIstory Education Program for offering more classes specific to history teaching. These courses emphasize how students can learn about the past beyond designing (or using) worksheets and lecturing. Or as Nick puts it, "how do you get people to really learn about the past?"
One issue Nick hopes to address as he begins his teaching career at Asheboro High School is what he sees as an under-appreciation for the education profession and what teachers actually do each day. He believes that many people don't understand that teaching is more than getting up to talk to students; it requires extensive content knowledge, thoughtful curriculum design, careful planning, and the desire or intent to help others succeed. He hopes that greater advocacy for the profession can lead to the types of resources and pay that recognizes teachers' work loads and offers them the materials they need to succeed.