Originally from Pennsylvania, Payton Laube ('20) moved to Reidsville, NC, before arriving at App State. Payton received her Associate's degree from Rockingham Early College High School. She finalized her BS History/Social Studies Education degree in December 2020 after completing her student teaching at Rockingham High School. Payton also volunteered at MARC Museum in Wentworth (NC), mostly helping to catalog artifacts, and as a tutor at her alma mater.
Payton's goal is to empower students to look at the world through a historical lens by producing effective arguments based on research and evidence, and by understanding the past through their own perspectives. She teaches social studies at Eastern Guilford High School in Gibsonville, NC.
Why did you choose App State?
Payton Laube: I chose App State because it was the only school I could see myself attending. I always knew my career was going to be in teaching and that I wanted to teach high school history. In the past, I had many wonderful teachers who had attended the university themselves and so I was already aware of the great undergraduate program offered to aspiring teachers.
How has the History Education Program prepared you thus far for a career in history/social studies education?
PL: The faculty not only helped me understand the content material, but they also modeled how to actually teach it. I knew teaching required me to adapt to my surroundings and to work hard, but the program has helped me put those perspectives into reality. I learned that teaching history is always changing and that you have to be flexible in your lessons and activities. Furthermore, the program has helped me understand the revision process that goes into creating engaging lessons. Thus, the program has prepared me to create new ideas and to make sure the work I produce is the best to my ability.
What advice could you provide an incoming freshman, transfer student, or newly declared major?
PL: No matter what ... keep pushing and revising. All the hard work and effort you put into the program will pay off in the end, if you continue to progress and grow along with your work. Also, listen to your professors and peers, their feedback will help you along the way into becoming a great future educator. Teaching is best done through a collaborative and group effort rather than trying to solve issues independently.
What is the best part of majoring in history?
PL: You get to be apart of someone else's story. History goes beyond yourself; it forces you to take a look at another person’s walk through life, whether it is a different culture or time period. Also, the discovery of finding new information, which you did not realize existed until you looked at a primary source, or discussed it in class, is a pretty cool experience.