A native of Selma, NC, Edgar Blanco is one of five History Education majors accepted into the 2019-2020 Appalachian Community of Education Scholars (ACES). He enjoys playing soccer, connecting with fellow history and education majors, and is a member of the Latin Hispanic Alliance (formerly Hispanic Student Association).
Why did you choose APP State?
Edgar Blanco: As a student at Selma-Smithfield High School I was involved with AVID, a college-readiness program. As part of AVID I took a tour of colleges and universities in the Western area of North Carolina. After visiting several Western region schools, we arrived at App State and I immediately felt at home. The rest is history.
Why does history-social studies matter?
EB: I see history as the study of people and the decisions they make. I think it is important o know your past so that you can learn from it. Studying history allows us the opportunity to learn from our mistakes..
Who inspired you to pursue a career in education?
EB: My fifth-grade teacher. She allowed me to explore topics I was interested in and share my ideas with my peers. My friends and I would create PowerPoints on WWII for our class and she would let us present them during free time. My most recent inspiration was Mr. Jones during my 11th and 12th-grade year. I appreciated the variety he brought to the classroom, allowing us to work individually, in small groups or as a whole class. In addition to his presence as a teacher, he was friendly and was always ready to lighten the mood with a joke.
What are your favorite areas of history?
EB: I have always been interested in WWII! I also enjoy learning about Feudal Japan and the Mongol conquests. My new area of interest is Pre-Civil War America, especially the era of Andrew Jackson.
What has been the biggest highlight of your time at App State so far?
EB: I have really enjoyed going to football games. It feels like being a part of something larger, cheering the team on with everyone. App State already feels like home.