Alyson Witte

Job Title:

7th grade "Individuals and Societies" (Social Studies) teacher at Annapolis Middle School in the Anne Arundel County Public Schools System (Maryland)

Favorite thing about your experience in our MA program:

Each semester we worked with the community in some way. These experiences have enhanced, not only my resume, but more importantly my ability to do more. It is one thing to learn how to create an exhibit, and an entirely different thing to actually create one from scratch. Having both the understanding and the skill set to do museum work has been a great asset at my jobs and during my job search. 

Any advice for future students:

First, you are here for a reason, and the professors would not have accepted you if they did not think you would succeed. Second, this is not a contest so don't feel the need to compare yourself to your fellow cohort members. Third, use and befriend your cohort! You are all going through a lot of the same things and graduate school is not all that easy. Support one another through it all.