Dakota Harkins

Job Title

Manager of Operations for the Lakeside Heritage Society at Lakeside Chautauqua, in Lakeside, Ohio.

Job Description

Day to day managment of the Lakeside Chautauqua Historical Archives and Museum, including tours, programs, registrations and accessioning of incoming donations, fundraising, grant writing and writing newsletters.

Favorite thing about your job

Working for the Lakeside Heritage Society has given me the rare oppurtunity to interact on a daily basis with a genuinely interested community, all while developing  a wide range of professional skills.

Favorite thing about your experience in our MA program

At Appalachian State I felt encouraged to explore my interests and take a hands on approach to many facets of history. This helped tremendously in my current position, as during any given day I will likely lead a walking tour, write press releases, balance the budget, oversee volunteer or intern tasks, or develop a new educational program.

Any advice for future students

My advice is to explore any oppurtunity presented, both while in the Public History Program and in looking for a job. Many things I hadn't "planned" on needing to know for the future came up while at App State and being able to experience them while in a supportive environment has made professional growth much easier.