Alexis Bowman

Job Title

Historical Association of Catawba County: Education Coordinator

Job Description

I develop educational programs for our various sites and give tours to school groups that visit the museum and our Victorian home, the Harper House. I am responsible for membership engagement, visitor services, and oversight of volunteers and interns at the museum.

Favorite thing about your job

The best part of my job is getting to interact with the community on a daily basis. We have an extensive collection of artifacts from Catawba county in the museum. As the Education Coordinator, I get to engage with students, teachers, and individuals from all over the county to help them learn more about the bigger connections between their town and national history.

Favorite thing about your experience in our MA program

Each semester we had a project that was specific to that class and most of them engaged with the community in some way. Working with different historical groups in the area allowed us to gain experiences that you cannot get in the classroom while gaining professional experience at the same time.

Any advice for future students

Don't let imposter syndrome get you down! You are there for a reason and you are definitely smarter than you think. Additionally, don't isolate yourself for the sake of your grades, lean on your cohort for support and resources. Your cohort is going through the same situations that you are and everyone wants to succeed.