Ryan Ingerick

Job Title

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Helsinki, Finland, funded by the Kone Foundation. 

Job Description

I teach one class per semester in the Social and Economic History Faculty

Favorite thing about your Ph.D. program?

I spend the vast majority of my time in research. Combing through archives, searching for those kernels of knowledge that move my research and dissertation forward. When I find them it's pretty exciting!

Favorite thing about your experience in our MA program

Two things. First: If you love history and want to work in a related field then the ASU MA in history program will help you lay a strong foundation for those aspirations. Second: The staff in the History department is excellent. I would not be seeking a PhD in Europe without them.

Advice for future students

Do it. It's worth it. It will open many doors for you. You will make lifelong friends and connections. You will discover that opportunities that you did not think possible will present themselves if you persevere.